Camporrobles | 693-1 | 1:25,000
Circumambulation of Kilimanjaro (proposed)
Public Geographies, Public Geographer
Took the train Saturday to Solothurn, Switzerland for their Pecha Kucha Night #3. I got carried away and presented 3 different projects: Geographical Imaginations, The CAMINANTE Project and The Great American Pilgrimage (Appalachian Trail). Great hosts and quite the Kulturnacht in this great Swiss town outside of Zurich. Thanks again to all!
Pecha Kucha People
Have you heard of Pecha Kucha Nights? Check them out. Chances are there is an event organized in your city or region. Great way to share projects and ideas in a vibrant forum. Who said the 21st century public forum was dead? Here I am speaking in Aalen, Germany–one of nine Pecha Kucha presentations I have given in the last 2 years or so.
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