Presentations: Making Geographies Public
The Great American Pilgrimage is in many ways a public geography project because its post-walk goal has been to engage a wider audience in discussions about the Appalachian Trail within a context of cross-cultural exchange. Below you will find information about past and future presentations. Contact us if you would like to book a talk and discussion for your group or organization.
Appalachian Walk(s)(ing)(er)
Pecha Kucha Night™ Lambertville-New Hope Vol. 16 | Lambertville, New Jersey, USA | February 8, 2019
A Great American Pilgrimage: Five Months along the Appalachian Trail
Trenton Free Public Library | Trenton, New Jersey, USA | January 9, 2019
The Appalachian Trail: A Great American Pilgrimage
Penn Chair Traveler Series | Newtown Library Company | Newtown, Pennsylvania, USA | November 8, 2018
The Appalachian Trail: A Great American Pilgrimage
Social Science and History Department at Free Library of Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA | October 16, 2018
Foot by Foot Along the Appalachians
Pecha Kucha Night™ New Haven Vol. 33 New Haven, Connecticut, USA | 25 July 2018
Foot by Foot Along the Appalachians
Pecha Kucha Night™ Solothurn Vol. 3 Solothurn, Switzerland | 29 April 2017
Footprinting America
Pecha Kucha Night™ Katowice Vol. 15 Katowice, Poland | 31 March 2016
A Great American Pilgrimage: Five Months along the Appalachian Trail
Austro American Society – Upper Austria Linz, Austria | 10 March 2016
The Appalachian Trail: A Great American Cultural Pilgrimage (Musical accompaniment by Martin Langer)
Austro American Society Salzburg Salzburg, Austria | 5 February 2016
The Appalachian Trail: A Great American Pilgrimage
The Alpine Club Vienna, Austria | 14 November 2015
Foot by Foot Along The Appalachians
Pecha Kucha Night™ Lienz Vol. 3 Lienz, Austria | 8 May 2015
Appalachian Footraits
Pecha Kucha Night™ Salzburg Vol. 23 @ ARGE Kultur Salzburg, Austria | 11 December 2014
Other Side(s) of AmericA: LA RUTA de LOS APALACHES
Centro de Interpretación El Molón Camporrobles (Valencia), Spain | 12 July 2014
CUENTAVIAJES—América a Pie Sin Dejar Huella: Los Apalaches
Centro de Información y Educación Ambiental Dehesa de La Villa Madrid, Spain | 4 July 2014
América a Pie: Thru-Hiking La Ruta de Los Apalaches
Librería Desnivel Madrid, Spain | 28 May 2014
The People on the Other Side: América (a pie) por La Ruta de Los Apalaches
La Ciudad Invisible Madrid, Spain | 8 May 2014
Thru-Hiking en Los Apalaches
Club Nemus Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid) Spain | 27 March 2014